What is Constructionism? How does it apply to education? How is it different from Constuctivism? Those questions will
be answered in the following website. As you navigate through these pages keep in mind the technological method of problem
solving and how it can be used in your classroom.
First- What is the difference between constructivism and constructionism?
Constructivism starts in the head. Jean Piaget believed that knowledge is constructed by the learner. Everyone experiences
things in a different way therefore digesting information differently. For example if a girl was sitting in a classroom
listening to a lecture about women's rights she would reflect back to her previous knowledge of the subject and
compare the new information with the old. She may not even take the new information as valuable because it doesn't fit
with her belief systems. She may also combine the two and come up with a new conclusion. A Male student may
be hearing the information for first time and may not even be able to swallow the ideas. He may not believe
women should have rights. The information may not be meaningful to him.