So you want to sew but you don't have a great place to set up your machine. A sewing machine should be set up much like
a computer. It must have ample space around it, good lighting and set on a solid surface that is 28"-32" from the floor so
that you can sit for hours in comfort. Most sewing machines are made to be stored so they don't need to be sitting out all
the time. Using your dining room table is just fine. You must remember to put a protective cover on the table to eliminate
any scratches that may happen. In the photo below the sewing machine is set up in an office area utilizing a simple desk.

Phot provided by Flickr
Having an organized sewing room with ample lighting is essential but not the only thing that's important. Make sure you
have storage areas for your notions, fabric and patterns. Keeping your tools like scissors, pinking shears, pins , seam ripers,
and seam gauges all close to your working area will help you sew in a more efficient manner. A small tool organizer found
at your local hardware store will work well. A clear plastic parts organizer found in the fish and tackle section of the local
walmart also works.
Please email your best sewing rooms.
This article contributed by Danielle Tooker.